dentistry 187

Oral Health Advancements: Dental Bonding

If you wish to visually enhance the appearance of your smile, consider the use of a cosmetic dentistry restoration. Within cosmetic dentistry, various restorations and treatments are available to help improve the look of your smile. As with dental bonding, not only can you visually improve the look of your teeth, but you can also add an additional layer of protection and help correct issues that may have arisen with the health of a tooth.

If you have suffered dental damage to a tooth, the use of dental bonding can prove to be beneficial. Dental bonding is extremely durable and can last up to ten years before replacements may be needed. With the application of the dental bonding material, you can help cover discolorations and stains on teeth as well as correct spacing issues and fractures and chips that teeth may have encountered. Dental bonding can even be used in situations to help cover up issues related to gum recession. If you are looking for a cosmetic alternative to amalgam fillings, dental bonding materials such as resin composite can be applied to repair decaying teeth.

If you would like to visit Belmar Smiles for a dental bonding assessment, please call 303-935-3574 to set up an appointment at our dental office in Lakewood, Colorado. Dr. Christina Sehy VerSchave and our team will be glad to help you achieve the results you are looking for.

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