dentistry 181

Caring for Your Oral Health as You Age

Great health is precious, but that doesn’t mean that it will last forever. As people age, their oral health standings tend to fall faster and require additional maintenance, mouth muscles atrophy, taste buds become less sensitive and the tooth nerves shrink, making it more difficult to notice tooth pain or gum disease. If you’ve reached an advanced age and seeing the dentist irregularly, oral health difficulties may form and lead to permanent damages before you even notice them.

If you’re concerned about aging and dental health, there are some things you should be aware of:

-Brushing teeth often is more imperative than ever before. Because teeth and gums become more difficult to feel, you’ve got to be on your guard to ward off gum disease and tooth decay.
-Kids aren’t the only ones to get cavities! Adults get just as many (if not more) cavities than children do, to ensure that you’re flossing your teeth daily to wash out bacteria-feeding debris from your mouth.
-Keep an eye out for signs of dry mouth. Many medications may cause dry mouth.

Are you reaching an advanced age and concerned about your oral health? Our Lakewood, Colorado, dental office can help address your concerns. Call 303-935-3574 now to schedule your next appointment with Dr. Christina Sehy VerSchave and our team at Belmar Smiles. See you soon!

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