dentistry 208

Your New Bridge Requires Routine Brushing and Maintenance

Your new dental bridge will effectively replace the function and appearance of your lost tooth. Even though your new bridge is made from materials like gold, base metals or porcelain that are not susceptible to the ravages of tooth decay, it will still require some basic brushing and maintenance.

Hardened tartar buildup near the gumline significantly promotes gum disease. The advanced form of gum disease, which is also known as periodontitis, can pose a serious threat to your bridge in a couple of different ways.

The severe infection in the gum tissues causes your gums to recede from the base of your teeth. This promotes infection and inflammation at base of your teeth, which is where the bridge is cemented to place. The bacterial presence can start to weaken the cement that is holding your bridge in place.

In time, periodontitis can cause the loss of bone structure in the jaw where the anchoring teeth lie. This can result in one or both of the teeth coming loose and falling out of your mouth.

Brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing once a day will help you remove plaque and food particles before they can harden into tartar. If you are having trouble cleaning around the bridge, you might want to use an interdental brush, a floss threader with waxy floss or a dental water jet.

If you are struggling to adequately clean and maintain your new dental bridge in Lakewood, Colorado, you can call Dr. Christina Sehy VerSchave at 303-935-3574 to schedule an appointment. Our Belmar Smiles team is happy to help you!

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