dental 25

You May Have Bruxism and Not Know It

Did you know that you may have bruxism and not even know it? Bruxism, also known as teeth grinding, is the condition of recurrently grinding and gnashing your teeth, often while unconscious. One of the most common forms of bruxism, sleep bruxism, occurs while you are sleeping and can easily go undiagnosed for long periods of time. If you feel any changes in your smile when you wake up, you may need to look for these signs and symptoms of bruxism:

— Bruxism can result in other ailments such as TMJ disorders.

— You wake up with headaches and earaches.

— Your teeth might look flat or dull from bruxism damage, or even chipped and cracked with no known explanation of how the damage got there.

— Your teeth may be extra sensitive and sore from bruxism.

— Your tongue is indented and your cheek tissue shows signs of injury.

— Ask a sleep partner or roommate if you clench your teeth loudly while sleeping.

— You feel jaw soreness and face pain when you wake up.

To schedule an appointment at our dental office in Lakewood, Colorado, call Belmar Smiles at 303-935-3574 and a member of our team will gladly assist you. Dr. Christina Sehy VerSchave and our entire team look forward to helping you achieve the successful smile you deserve!

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