dentistry 190

Is a White Filling Right For Your Cavity?

If you develop a cavity in a tooth that is easily visible to others, you might want to talk to your dentist about using a composite, or tooth-colored filling to fix your problem. Composite fillings are made of a mixture of powdered glass and acrylic resin. While part of their appeal is that they adhere directly to the surface of your tooth, people are interested in them because they can be colored to blend in with the surface of your tooth, and will be practically invisible to others. Keep in mind that while advances are being made with tooth-colored fillings, they are still not as strong as other types, and are often reserved for smaller cavities in teeth that do not receive much pressure from biting and chewing.

After your dentist removes the decayed material, she will apply the composite filling. The composite is applied in layers and each layer has to be cured before the next layer is placed; so composite fillings take longer than other fillings. When the last layer has been placed, the dentist will polish the filling to help it blend in, and to make it stain resistant. Your composite can still be stained over time by dark-colored food and beverages, so you should remember that when you eat and drink. No filling lasts forever and your dentist will check your filling during your regular visits to make sure that it doesn’t need to be replaced. You should also continue to brush twice a day and floss once a day.

If you have a cavity that needs some attention, our dentist, Dr. Christina Sehy VerSchave will be happy to help. To make an appointment at Belmar Smiles in Lakewood, Colorado, call 303-935-3574 today.

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