dentistry 110

How to Care for Your New Veneers

If you have a smile that doesn’t provide the color or shape you want, you may want to consider dental veneers in Lakewood, Colorado. Dental veneers are thin, tooth-colored shells that eliminate gaps, whiten teeth, and even correct minor bite problems. They are designed to last up to 20 years, especially if you implement the following steps in your oral care routine:

– Brush and floss as normal: Avoid abrasive toothpaste, or else you may scratch the surface of your veneers. Within the first few days of application, your teeth may feel sensitive, due to the removal of a small portion of tooth enamel.

– Avoid hard and sticky foods: Veneers are made of durable material, but they are brittle like glass. Certain foods, such as caramel apples and the shells of pistachio nuts, could crack your veneers.

– Beware of bruxism: If you have a habit of clenching or grinding your teeth, notify Dr. Christina Sehy VerSchave so that she can provide a bite guard to protect your teeth (and veneers) while you sleep.

– Attend follow-up appointments: After a week, you may be asked to return to Belmar Smiles for a treatment evaluation, during which Dr. Christina Sehy VerSchave would examine the placement of the veneers, as well as the response of the gum tissue. You are welcome to ask any questions you may have at this point in regards to your veneers.

For more information about caring for dental veneers, contact Belmar Smiles at 303-935-3574. Dr. Christina Sehy VerSchave is happy to answer any questions you may have.

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