
Caring for Your Teeth as You Age

Some people forget to factor teeth into the aging process, believing that their pearly whites will last longer than the rest of the body without giving it much thought. Others assume that when one reaches a certain age, it will be time for dentures. Neither of these beliefs are accurate. Your teeth will age right along with the rest of your body, but there are certainly things you can do to strengthen your teeth and slow down the process. If you care well for your teeth, you can have them for your entire life.

What can you do to help your teeth stay strong?

-Eat a nourishing diet full of tooth-healthy foods. Partake of sugar and acidic foods in limited quantities and in conjunction with other foods to lower their potency.

-Brush your teeth twice daily and floss at least once per day.

-Schedule and attend at least two professional dental cleanings every year with Dr. Christina Sehy VerSchave.

-Remove unhealthy habits from your life, like drugs, smoking or chewing tobacco, and drinking heavily.

Need to book one of those dental cleanings we talked about? We’d be delighted to have you! You can reach Belmar Smiles in Lakewood, Colorado, by calling 303-935-3574. Let us help you get a whiter, brighter smile today!

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